Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Do something special...

Working with the young men in our ward makes me laugh. Today was the annual “planning session” for the activities to be held throughout the year. Some activities I found interesting include “frogging” and a hotdog eating contest. Needless to say, I’m excited for 2008. During our brainstorming, the question was posed “if you could do ANYTHING, what would it be?” We talked briefly about “things to do before I die” lists. Most of the “old guys” had something of the list. Looking over my list, there are some that are quite spectacular such as:

50) Milk a cow
89) Ride in a submarine
97) Drive a Zamboni

The list I have has every type of endeavors including educational, spiritual, social, occupational and recreational (of course). The point I was trying to relay to these young men is to aim high. Who says you can’t go to outer space or to “do a wheelie on a motorcycle @ 89 mph.” Note: I did let a certain young man know that I don’t condone wheelies. Somehow I don’t think he listened. A thought came to me that I think I heard from my grandfather. “It’s better to shoot for the stars and miss, then aim for a cow pie and hit it.” So do something great in 2008!

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