Thursday, January 31, 2008

How Blessed We Are

With the passing of President Gorden B Hinckley this week Ihave realized how blessed we are to have a living prophet on the earth today. When I was eight years old my family went to the general conference and I remember hearing Spencer W. Kimball speak and I knew that he was a prophet. I have been inspired by each prophet that followed him. But President Hinckley will always have a special place in my heart. Maybe it is because we all were given the opportunity to know him for so long. Maybe it was his testimony of Christ, his simple sweet humor, his love for his wife, his love of the pioneers, or his ability to make me and everyone else feel that he really did love us. What I want most to remember is the way he lived his life like every minute of it counted. I want to be a little more kind, a litte more patient, and a little more loving. Now is the time.

1 comment:

hbloom said...

We can all be a little kinder to the souls that brush up against us in the day. Okay some of them wipe their peanut butter hands on our pants but I think those are the ones that President Hinckley wanted us to be the nicest to. I heard him speak recently and he plead for us to showab kindness to our family and love - it's so much easier to love orphans photos on a computer screen or lovely people in a Presidency meeting than those who are crying and whining and really could use your true love. I love you Christy and Jason and my darling sweet nieces who would never fuss in a public library. Thanks heavens you live 600 miles away and I can't babysit for you you'll just have to believe me.